
This paper describes the development and evaluation of the Eating Disorder Services for Adults (EDSA) whole-team training course.


This study explores clinician perspectives on the implementation of the First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED) service


This study aimed to understand how young people experience family therapy for anorexia nervosa


This review explores barriers to and facilitators of early intervention for EDs


This paper outlines strategies for detecting and managing fraudulent participants in online research


This paper reviews psychological interventions for avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID).


This paper provides an overview of the demand, capacity and actual provision of adult eating disorder services in England and Scotland before Covid-19, showing that investments are needed in adult community eating disorder services in order to allow them to meet NHS commissioning guidance.


This exploratory, mixed-methods study explored healthcare professionals' knowledge, skills, and views of food insecurity in their patients, revealing important future directions both for research and clinical practice.


An article offering guidance for General Practitioners and primary care teams on the assessment and management of eating disorders


This study assesses barriers and facilitators in the pathways towards specialist care for eating disorders, across 11 eating disorder services in 7 European countries.


This study explores the perceptions and experiences of providers of eating disorder services towards men to understand the challenges and barriers experienced by both professionals and patients in addressing the gender bias within this field.


This paper provides an overview of the evidence base for early intervention for eating disorders and gives recommendations for progressing early intervention in this field


An editorial exploring the need for eating disorder treatment and care that is developmentally-informed, considering the challenges of age transitions in existing eating disorder care.


This study examined priority setting in eating disorder services, evaluating the level of consensus and perceived relative importance of factors used to determine patient prioritisation in ED services, amongst clinicians and people with lived experience.


This paper evaluates how the UK roll-out of FREED early intervention services for eating disorders impacts duration of untreated eating disorder, waiting times and clinical outcomes in patients


A response to Allison et al. (2021), concerning age-segregation in eating disorder services in the UK leading to age-related inequalities in care.


This paper describes the FREED-Up study, which assesses the scalability of the First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED) service model, using a multi-centre quasi-experimental design, comparing patient outcomes before and after FREED implementation.


This paper used qualitative data from 103 participants to explore their experience of FREED, an early intervention service model and care pathway for young people with eating disorders.


This paper assessed the impact of the First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED) service model on duration of untreated eating disorder in a multi-centre study using a quasi-experimental design,


A qualitative exploration of clinicians' perspectives on facilitators and barriers to supporting students with eating disorders.


This study aimed to explore attitudes towards eating disorder symptom in emerging adults through semi-structured interviews and their implications in help-seeking behaviour.


This study explored mental health service use in young adults following experiences of child and adolescent eating disorder services, in a cohort of 322 patients aged 13-17.


This paper outlines the development, scaling and implementation of FREED with reference to reach, effectiveness/efficacy, adoption, implementation, and maintenance,

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