
This review explored predictors of recovery and relapse in anorexia nervosa


This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews in young people with anorexia and their parents to explore their experiences of multi-family therapy.


This review examines the current evidence base for transcranial direct current stimulation (a brain-directed treatment) in children and young people across different psychiatric disorders.


This paper gives an overview of the EDIFY programme, including our research questions and the methods for our six workstreams


This study was conducted across 22 sites world-wide and examined the differences in brain structure in 1,648 participants including those with anorexia nervosa who were acutely underweight, with partially restored weight, and healthy controls.


This study explores how early weight gain trajectories in outpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa are related to later recovery and clinical outcomes.


This study aimed to explore attitudes towards eating disorder symptom in emerging adults through semi-structured interviews and their implications in help-seeking behaviour.

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