
This study aimed to understand how young people experience family therapy for anorexia nervosa


Part of the Palgrave Studies in Language, Gender and Sexuality book series (PSLGS)


This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews in young people with anorexia and their parents to explore their experiences of multi-family therapy.


This article explores the impact of the new 'calories on menus' legislation in England for people with lived experience of eating disorders.


This qualitative systematic review aims to synthesise the available qualitative literature on the experiences of inpatient admissions for eating disorders to understand individuals' experiences and identify areas that may require further research and/or service development.


A group of UK-based clinical and academic researchers, charity representatives and people with lived experience convened to consider ways to improve access to and efficacy of programme-led and focused interventions for eating disorders to bridge the demand-capacity gap.


This study explores the perceptions and experiences of providers of eating disorder services towards men to understand the challenges and barriers experienced by both professionals and patients in addressing the gender bias within this field.


This paper gives an overview of the EDIFY programme, including our research questions and the methods for our six workstreams


This study examined priority setting in eating disorder services, evaluating the level of consensus and perceived relative importance of factors used to determine patient prioritisation in ED services, amongst clinicians and people with lived experience.


This paper validates the use of the Psychological Outcome Profiles (PSYCHLOPS), as an individualised patient reported outcome measure that allows patients to specify their own outcomes.


This paper used qualitative data from 103 participants to explore their experience of FREED, an early intervention service model and care pathway for young people with eating disorders.


This study analysed qualitative feedback from university students based in the UK and Australia on the Personality and Living of University Students (PLUS) mental health intervention programme.


This study aimed to explore attitudes towards eating disorder symptom in emerging adults through semi-structured interviews and their implications in help-seeking behaviour.


This article examines gender roles and disordered eating through the novel Regenroman (1999) [Rain (2002)] by German writer Karen Duve.

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