Established and emerging treatments for eating disorders

Authors: Callum Bryson Daire Douglas Ulrike Schmidt
Published in: Trends in Molecular Medicine


Eating disorders (EDs) are common mental health conditions that carry exceedingly high morbidity and mortality rates. Evidence-based treatment options include a range of psychotherapies and some, mainly adjunctive, pharmacological interventions. However, around 20–30% of people fail to respond to the best available treatments and develop a persistent treatment-refractory illness. Novel treatments for these disorders are emerging, but their efficacy and clinical relevance need further investigation. In this review article, we first outline the evidence-base for the established treatments of the three ‘classical’ EDs [anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder (BED)]. We then review research on some of the most promising emerging treatment modalities, discussing the questions and challenges that remain.

Key topics: eating disorders treatment neuromodulation virtual reality psychedelics metreleptin

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